
Showing posts from November, 2019

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The Under 19 end of year result may have been disappointing but the way they handled the step up to Division One was brilliant. As always the little grades were a joy to watch and remind us all why we do this year after year. I hope to see all our players and officials back again next year. Visions: starring Isla Fisher and Jim Parsons After moving to a vineyard to start a new life with her husband, a pregnant woman begins to experience terrifying visions leading her to believe that they are not alone on their new property. Lead the underworld to take back London in a adventure filled with action, intrigue and brutal combat. Available to rent or buy for PS4 and Xbox One... "I felt it was my best race on an international stage so far. I felt I rode a very good race technically by choosing good lines, and I surprised myself with how strong I was on the climbs and had a strong, fast finish to the race." Though Miller was the only H1 female who attended the titles, her Bathurst c...